Four things you should know this morning

Passengers in Glasgow stations have been frustrated for years at the lack of links between Central and Queens Street stations Picture: John DevlinPassengers in Glasgow stations have been frustrated for years at the lack of links between Central and Queens Street stations Picture: John Devlin
Passengers in Glasgow stations have been frustrated for years at the lack of links between Central and Queens Street stations Picture: John Devlin
It’s never too early to learn something new, like how can video games improve mental health and what is happening to talks of a crossrail in Glasgow, plus a couple other things.

How are video games improving mental health?

Many gamers will know the affect of games and mental health being linked together - I’m looking at you, GamerGate - but can they actually help us understand them better?

Christor Reid, a developer from Milngavie, East Dunbartonshire, is in the process of developing an autobiographical video game, called OCDEMONS, aiming to provide a realistic depiction of what it’s like to live with OCD.

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What are the rarest animals still living in Scotland’s air, sea and land habitats?

Scotland’s diverse environment is ever changing through both natural and human causes. Which of the best loved animals are quickly disappearing from our landscapes?

The Golden Eagle, Aquila Chrysaetos has approximately 440 breeding pairs in Scotland, the Golden Eagle is Britain’s second-largest bird of prey. In Scotland, illegal persecution and the reduction of food availability are the main reasons for their decline. Those that remain are most likely to be found in the Highlands and Islands with some pairs in the Borders.

When will a crossrail be built in Glasgow?

For years, passengers have been frustrated with the lack of links between Glasgow Central and Queen Street stations. Changing trains has meant a run along Buchanan Street to make the connection.

Currently, services from Ayrshire and the south-west terminate at Central and cannot carry on through to Edinburgh. It is viewed by transport and civic authorities as a major flaw in the city’s rail network.

Mhairi Black is “at it”

During an interview with The Guardian, Scottish MP Mhairi Black told the journalist that the Conservative party was “at it”. Being a fundamentally Scottish slang word, after the use of it a few times, the journalist had to ask for clarification on what the term meant.