Happiness action plan

1 Do kind things for others

2 Find three things to feel good about each day

3 Thank the people you're grateful to

4 Look for the good in those around you

5 Bring mindfulness into your day.

6 Find your strengths and focus on using them

7 Use positive parenting

8 Volunteer your time, energy and skills

9 Help out a friend in need

10 Try out something new or different

11 Set your goals and make them happen

12 Get to know your neighbours better

13 Create a happier environment at work

14 Have tactics for the tough times

15 Enhance your relationship with your partner

16 Get outside and enjoy the natural world

17 Find a way to make exercise fun

18 Make sure you get enough sleep

19 Detox your negative thinking patterns

20. Create a good life/work balance